Binary to Hexadecimal Converter

Binary to hexadecimal converter: 

A Binary to Hexadecimal Converter is a tool or program that facilitates the conversion of binary (base-2) numbers into hexadecimal (base-16) numbers. In the binary number system, only two digits (0 and 1) are used, while the hexadecimal system employs sixteen digits (0-9 and A-F, where A stands for 10, B for 11, and so on up to F representing 15).

The conversion process involves grouping binary digits into sets of four (since 2^4 = 16) and then finding the corresponding hexadecimal digit for each group. This conversion is commonly used in computing and programming, where binary and hexadecimal are frequently encountered.

For example:

- Binary: 101011

- Grouped into sets of four: 10 1011

- Hexadecimal: 2B

A Binary to Hexadecimal Converter simplifies this process, providing a quick and efficient way to obtain the hexadecimal representation of a binary number. It is a valuable tool for programmers and those working with low-level computing operations.

VS Code Utility

Binary to Hexadecimal Converter


Binary to Hexadecimal Converter:Source Code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Binary to Hexadecimal Converter</title>
        function convertBinaryToHex() {
            const binaryInput = document.getElementById('binaryInput').value;
            const hexOutput = document.getElementById('hexOutput');
            // Using parseInt to convert binary to decimal, then toString to convert decimal to hex
            const decimalValue = parseInt(binaryInput, 2);
            const hexValue = decimalValue.toString(16).toUpperCase();
            // Displaying the result
            hexOutput.innerHTML = `Hexadecimal: ${hexValue}`;
#binary-container {
     border:2px solid blue;
box-shadow:6px 6px 6px #000;
     border:2px solid black;
  h2 {
padding:auto 10px;
label {

#hexOutput {

    <div id="binary-container">
    <h2>VS Code Utility</h2>
    <h2>Binary to Hexadecimal Converter</h2>
    <label for="binaryInput">Enter Binary Number:</label>
    <input type="text" id="binaryInput" oninput="convertBinaryToHex()">
    <p id="hexOutput">Hexadecimal: </p>


1. HTML Structure:
   - The HTML file starts with the basic structure, including a title, input field, button, and a paragraph element to display the result.

2. JavaScript Function:
   - Inside the `<script>` tag, there's a JavaScript function named `convert()`.
   - This function is triggered when the "Convert" button is clicked.

3. Getting User Input:
   - The function retrieves the binary input entered by the user using `document.getElementById('binaryInput').value`.

4. Binary to Decimal Conversion:
   - It then converts the binary input to decimal using `parseInt(binaryInput, 2)`. The `2` in `parseInt` indicates that the input is in base-2 (binary).

5. Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion:
   - The decimal result is then converted to hexadecimal using `.toString(16)`. The `16` specifies the base for conversion.

6. Displaying Result:
   - Finally, the converted hexadecimal result is displayed in the paragraph element with the id 'result'.

For example, if the user enters "101011" as the binary input:
   - Binary to decimal: 101011 in binary is 43 in decimal.
   - Decimal to hexadecimal: 43 in decimal is 2B in hexadecimal.

The displayed result would be "Hexadecimal Result: 2B". The `toUpperCase()` is used to ensure that the hexadecimal result is in uppercase letters for consistency.

This simple HTML and JavaScript code demonstrate the fundamental process of converting binary to hexadecimal within a web page.


Shakti Prakash is an elementary school teacher from Uttar Pradesh, India and additionally contributing his effort in educational blogs through the website VS Educations

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